Highly Efficient FFT for Exascale: HeFFTe v2.3
heffte::stock::Complex< F, L > Member List

This is the complete list of members for heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >, including all inherited members.

__mul_i()heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline
__mul_neg_i()heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline
Complex(F *const f)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inlineexplicit
Complex(std::initializer_list< F > il)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inlineexplicit
Complex(typename pack< F, L >::type v)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inlineexplicit
Complex(F x, F y)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inlineexplicit
Complex(std::complex< F > const *c)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inlineexplicit
Complex(std::complex< F > const *c, int stride)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inlineexplicit
Complex(std::initializer_list< std::complex< F >> il)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inlineexplicit
Complex()heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inlineexplicit
conjugate()heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline
fmadd(Complex< F, L > const &y, Complex< F, L > const &z)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline
fmsub(Complex< F, L > const &y, Complex< F, L > const &z)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline
get(F *dest)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline
get() constheffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline
modulus(F *dest)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline
modulus()heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline
operator*(Complex< F, L > const &o)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline
operator*(F o)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline
operator*=(Complex< F, L > const &o)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline
operator*=(F o)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline
operator+(Complex< F, L > const &o)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline
operator+(F o)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline
operator+=(Complex< F, L > const &o)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline
operator+=(F o)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline
operator-(Complex< F, L > const &o)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline
operator-(F o)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline
operator-()heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline
operator-=(Complex< F, L > const &o)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline
operator-=(F o)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline
operator/(Complex< F, L > const &o)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline
operator/(F o)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline
operator/=(Complex< F, L > const &o)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline
operator/=(F o) (defined in heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline
operator[](std::size_t idx)heffte::stock::Complex< F, L >inline