Highly Efficient FFT for Exascale: HeFFTe v2.3
1 /*
2  -- heFFTe --
3  Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville
4  @date
5 */
10 #include "heffte_r2r_executor.h"
12 #ifdef Heffte_ENABLE_MKL
14 #include "mkl_dfti.h"
27 namespace heffte{
29 namespace backend{
34  template<> struct is_enabled<mkl> : std::true_type{};
39  template<> struct is_enabled<mkl_cos> : std::true_type{};
44  template<> struct is_enabled<mkl_sin> : std::true_type{};
49  template<> struct default_backend<tag::cpu> {
50  using type = mkl;
51  };
52 }
58 template<> struct is_ccomplex<float _Complex> : std::true_type{};
63 template<> struct is_zcomplex<double _Complex> : std::true_type{};
69 inline void check_error(MKL_LONG status, std::string const &function_name){
70  if (status != 0){
71  throw std::runtime_error(function_name + " failed with status: " + std::to_string(status));
72  }
73 }
83 template<typename scalar_type>
84 struct plan_mkl{
93  plan_mkl(int size, int howmanyffts, int stride, int dist) : plan(nullptr){
94  static_assert(std::is_same<scalar_type, std::complex<float>>::value
95  or std::is_same<scalar_type, std::complex<double>>::value,
96  "plan_mkl requires std::complex scalar_type with float or double, see plan_mkl_r2c for real types");
98  check_error( DftiCreateDescriptor(&plan, (std::is_same<scalar_type, std::complex<float>>::value) ?
100  DFTI_COMPLEX, 1, static_cast<MKL_LONG>(size)), "mkl plan create" );
101  check_error( DftiSetValue(plan, DFTI_NUMBER_OF_TRANSFORMS, static_cast<MKL_LONG>(howmanyffts)), "mkl set howmany");
102  check_error( DftiSetValue(plan, DFTI_PLACEMENT, DFTI_INPLACE), "mkl set in place");
103  MKL_LONG lstride[] = {0, static_cast<MKL_LONG>(stride)};
104  check_error( DftiSetValue(plan, DFTI_INPUT_STRIDES, lstride), "mkl set istride");
105  check_error( DftiSetValue(plan, DFTI_OUTPUT_STRIDES, lstride), "mkl set ostride");
106  check_error( DftiSetValue(plan, DFTI_INPUT_DISTANCE, static_cast<MKL_LONG>(dist)), "mkl set idist");
107  check_error( DftiSetValue(plan, DFTI_OUTPUT_DISTANCE, static_cast<MKL_LONG>(dist)), "mkl set odist");
108  check_error( DftiCommitDescriptor(plan), "mkl commit");
109  }
119  plan_mkl(size_t size1, size_t size2, std::array<MKL_LONG, 2> const &embed, size_t howmanyffts, size_t dist) : plan(nullptr){
120  static_assert(std::is_same<scalar_type, std::complex<float>>::value
121  or std::is_same<scalar_type, std::complex<double>>::value,
122  "plan_mkl requires std::complex scalar_type with float or double, see plan_mkl_r2c for real types");
124  MKL_LONG size[] = {static_cast<MKL_LONG>(size1), static_cast<MKL_LONG>(size2)};
125  check_error( DftiCreateDescriptor(&plan, (std::is_same<scalar_type, std::complex<float>>::value) ?
127  DFTI_COMPLEX, 2, size), "mkl plan create 2d" );
128  check_error( DftiSetValue(plan, DFTI_NUMBER_OF_TRANSFORMS, static_cast<MKL_LONG>(howmanyffts)), "mkl set howmany");
129  check_error( DftiSetValue(plan, DFTI_PLACEMENT, DFTI_INPLACE), "mkl set in place");
130  MKL_LONG lstride[] = {0, static_cast<MKL_LONG>(embed[0]), static_cast<MKL_LONG>(embed[1])};
131  check_error( DftiSetValue(plan, DFTI_INPUT_STRIDES, lstride), "mkl set istride");
132  check_error( DftiSetValue(plan, DFTI_OUTPUT_STRIDES, lstride), "mkl set ostride");
133  check_error( DftiSetValue(plan, DFTI_INPUT_DISTANCE, static_cast<MKL_LONG>(dist)), "mkl set idist");
134  check_error( DftiSetValue(plan, DFTI_OUTPUT_DISTANCE, static_cast<MKL_LONG>(dist)), "mkl set odist");
135  check_error( DftiCommitDescriptor(plan), "mkl commit");
137  }
145  plan_mkl(int size1, int size2, int size3){
146  MKL_LONG size[] = {static_cast<MKL_LONG>(size3), static_cast<MKL_LONG>(size2), static_cast<MKL_LONG>(size1)};
147  check_error( DftiCreateDescriptor(&plan, (std::is_same<scalar_type, std::complex<float>>::value) ?
149  DFTI_COMPLEX, 3, size), "mkl plan create 3d" );
150  check_error( DftiSetValue(plan, DFTI_NUMBER_OF_TRANSFORMS, 1), "mkl set howmany");
151  check_error( DftiSetValue(plan, DFTI_PLACEMENT, DFTI_INPLACE), "mkl set in place");
152  check_error( DftiCommitDescriptor(plan), "mkl commit");
153  }
156  ~plan_mkl(){ check_error( DftiFreeDescriptor(&plan), "mkl delete descriptor"); }
158  operator DFTI_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE() const{ return plan; }
161 };
176 public:
184  template<typename index>
185  mkl_executor(void*, box3d<index> const box, int dimension) :
186  size(box.size[dimension]), size2(0),
187  howmanyffts(fft1d_get_howmany(box, dimension)),
188  stride(fft1d_get_stride(box, dimension)),
189  dist((dimension == box.order[0]) ? size : 1),
190  blocks((dimension == box.order[1]) ? box.osize(2) : 1),
191  block_stride(box.osize(0) * box.osize(1)),
192  total_size(box.count()),
193  embed({0, 0})
194  {}
196  template<typename index>
197  mkl_executor(void*, box3d<index> const box, int dir1, int dir2) :
198  size(box.size[std::min(dir1, dir2)]), size2(box.size[std::max(dir1, dir2)]),
199  blocks(1), block_stride(0), total_size(box.count())
200  {
201  int odir1 = box.find_order(dir1);
202  int odir2 = box.find_order(dir2);
204  if (std::min(odir1, odir2) == 0 and std::max(odir1, odir2) == 1){
205  stride = 1;
206  dist = size * size2;
207  embed = {static_cast<MKL_LONG>(stride), static_cast<MKL_LONG>(size)};
208  howmanyffts = box.size[2];
209  }else if (std::min(odir1, odir2) == 1 and std::max(odir1, odir2) == 2){
210  stride = box.size[0];
211  dist = 1;
212  embed = {static_cast<MKL_LONG>(stride), static_cast<MKL_LONG>(size) * static_cast<MKL_LONG>(stride)};
213  howmanyffts = box.size[0];
214  }else{ // case of directions (0, 2)
215  stride = 1;
216  dist = size;
217  embed = {static_cast<MKL_LONG>(stride), static_cast<MKL_LONG>(box.size[1]) * static_cast<MKL_LONG>(box.size[0])};
218  howmanyffts = box.size[1];
219  }
220  }
222  template<typename index>
223  mkl_executor(void*, box3d<index> const box) :
224  size(box.size[0]), size2(box.size[1]), howmanyffts(box.size[2]),
225  stride(0), dist(0),
226  blocks(1), block_stride(0),
227  total_size(box.count()),
228  embed({0, 0})
229  {}
232  void forward(std::complex<float> data[], std::complex<float>*) const override{
233  make_plan(cplan);
234  for(int i=0; i<blocks; i++){
235  float _Complex* block_data = reinterpret_cast<float _Complex*>(data + i * block_stride);
236  DftiComputeForward(*cplan, block_data);
237  }
238  }
240  void backward(std::complex<float> data[], std::complex<float>*) const override{
241  make_plan(cplan);
242  for(int i=0; i<blocks; i++){
243  float _Complex* block_data = reinterpret_cast<float _Complex*>(data + i * block_stride);
244  DftiComputeBackward(*cplan, block_data);
245  }
246  }
248  void forward(std::complex<double> data[], std::complex<double>*) const override{
249  make_plan(zplan);
250  for(int i=0; i<blocks; i++){
251  double _Complex* block_data = reinterpret_cast<double _Complex*>(data + i * block_stride);
252  DftiComputeForward(*zplan, block_data);
253  }
254  }
256  void backward(std::complex<double> data[], std::complex<double>*) const override{
257  make_plan(zplan);
258  for(int i=0; i<blocks; i++){
259  double _Complex* block_data = reinterpret_cast<double _Complex*>(data + i * block_stride);
260  DftiComputeBackward(*zplan, block_data);
261  }
262  }
265  void forward(float const indata[], std::complex<float> outdata[], std::complex<float> *workspace) const override{
266  for(int i=0; i<total_size; i++) outdata[i] = std::complex<float>(indata[i]);
267  forward(outdata, workspace);
268  }
270  void backward(std::complex<float> indata[], float outdata[], std::complex<float> *workspace) const override{
271  backward(indata, workspace);
272  for(int i=0; i<total_size; i++) outdata[i] = std::real(indata[i]);
273  }
275  void forward(double const indata[], std::complex<double> outdata[], std::complex<double> *workspace) const override{
276  for(int i=0; i<total_size; i++) outdata[i] = std::complex<double>(indata[i]);
277  forward(outdata, workspace);
278  }
280  void backward(std::complex<double> indata[], double outdata[], std::complex<double> *workspace) const override{
281  backward(indata, workspace);
282  for(int i=0; i<total_size; i++) outdata[i] = std::real(indata[i]);
283  }
286  int box_size() const override{ return total_size; }
288  size_t workspace_size() const override{ return 0; }
290 private:
292  template<typename scalar_type>
293  void make_plan(std::unique_ptr<plan_mkl<scalar_type>> &plan) const{
294  if (not plan){
295  if (dist == 0)
296  plan = std::unique_ptr<plan_mkl<scalar_type>>(new plan_mkl<scalar_type>(size, size2, howmanyffts));
297  else if (size2 == 0)
298  plan = std::unique_ptr<plan_mkl<scalar_type>>(new plan_mkl<scalar_type>(size, howmanyffts, stride, dist));
299  else
300  plan = std::unique_ptr<plan_mkl<scalar_type>>(new plan_mkl<scalar_type>(size, size2, embed, howmanyffts, dist));
301  }
302  }
304  int size, size2, howmanyffts, stride, dist, blocks, block_stride, total_size;
305  std::array<MKL_LONG, 2> embed;
306  mutable std::unique_ptr<plan_mkl<std::complex<float>>> cplan;
307  mutable std::unique_ptr<plan_mkl<std::complex<double>>> zplan;
308 };
314 template<typename scalar_type, direction dir>
325  plan_mkl_r2c(int size, int howmanyffts, int stride, int rdist, int cdist) : plan(nullptr){
327  static_assert(std::is_same<scalar_type, float>::value or std::is_same<scalar_type, double>::value,
328  "plan_mkl_r2c requires scalar_type with float or double, see plan_mkl for complex types");
330  check_error( DftiCreateDescriptor(&plan, (std::is_same<scalar_type,float>::value) ?
332  DFTI_REAL, 1, static_cast<MKL_LONG>(size)), "mkl create r2c");
333  check_error( DftiSetValue(plan, DFTI_NUMBER_OF_TRANSFORMS, static_cast<MKL_LONG>(howmanyffts)), "mkl set howmany r2c");
334  check_error( DftiSetValue(plan, DFTI_PLACEMENT, DFTI_NOT_INPLACE), "mkl set not in place r2c");
335  check_error( DftiSetValue(plan, DFTI_CONJUGATE_EVEN_STORAGE, DFTI_COMPLEX_COMPLEX), "mkl conj storage cc");
336  MKL_LONG lstride[] = {0, static_cast<MKL_LONG>(stride)};
337  check_error( DftiSetValue(plan, DFTI_INPUT_STRIDES, lstride), "mkl set istride r2c");
338  check_error( DftiSetValue(plan, DFTI_OUTPUT_STRIDES, lstride), "mkl set ostride r2c");
339  if (dir == direction::forward){
340  check_error( DftiSetValue(plan, DFTI_INPUT_DISTANCE, static_cast<MKL_LONG>(rdist)), "mkl set rdist r2c");
341  check_error( DftiSetValue(plan, DFTI_OUTPUT_DISTANCE, static_cast<MKL_LONG>(cdist)), "mkl set cdist r2c");
342  }else{
343  check_error( DftiSetValue(plan, DFTI_OUTPUT_DISTANCE, static_cast<MKL_LONG>(rdist)), "mkl set back rdist r2c");
344  check_error( DftiSetValue(plan, DFTI_INPUT_DISTANCE, static_cast<MKL_LONG>(cdist)), "mkl set back cdist r2c");
345  }
346  check_error( DftiCommitDescriptor(plan), "mkl commit r2c");
347  }
351  ~plan_mkl_r2c(){ check_error( DftiFreeDescriptor(&plan), "mkl free r2c"); }
353  operator DFTI_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE() const{ return plan; }
356 };
367 public:
377  template<typename index>
378  mkl_executor_r2c(void*, box3d<index> const box, int dimension) :
379  size(box.size[dimension]),
380  howmanyffts(fft1d_get_howmany(box, dimension)),
381  stride(fft1d_get_stride(box, dimension)),
382  blocks((dimension == box.order[1]) ? box.osize(2) : 1),
383  rdist((dimension == box.order[0]) ? size : 1),
384  cdist((dimension == box.order[0]) ? size/2 + 1 : 1),
385  rblock_stride(box.osize(0) * box.osize(1)),
386  cblock_stride(box.osize(0) * (box.osize(1)/2 + 1)),
387  rsize(box.count()),
388  csize(box.r2c(dimension).count())
389  {}
392  void forward(float const indata[], std::complex<float> outdata[], std::complex<float>*) const override{
393  make_plan(sforward);
394  for(int i=0; i<blocks; i++){
395  float *rdata = const_cast<float*>(indata + i * rblock_stride);
396  float _Complex* cdata = reinterpret_cast<float _Complex*>(outdata + i * cblock_stride);
397  DftiComputeForward(*sforward, rdata, cdata);
398  }
399  }
401  void backward(std::complex<float> indata[], float outdata[], std::complex<float>*) const override{
402  make_plan(sbackward);
403  for(int i=0; i<blocks; i++){
404  float _Complex* cdata = const_cast<float _Complex*>(reinterpret_cast<float _Complex const*>(indata + i * cblock_stride));
405  DftiComputeBackward(*sbackward, cdata, outdata + i * rblock_stride);
406  }
407  }
409  void forward(double const indata[], std::complex<double> outdata[], std::complex<double>*) const override{
410  make_plan(dforward);
411  for(int i=0; i<blocks; i++){
412  double *rdata = const_cast<double*>(indata + i * rblock_stride);
413  double _Complex* cdata = reinterpret_cast<double _Complex*>(outdata + i * cblock_stride);
414  DftiComputeForward(*dforward, rdata, cdata);
415  }
416  }
418  void backward(std::complex<double> indata[], double outdata[], std::complex<double>*) const override{
419  make_plan(dbackward);
420  for(int i=0; i<blocks; i++){
421  double _Complex* cdata = const_cast<double _Complex*>(reinterpret_cast<double _Complex const*>(indata + i * cblock_stride));
422  DftiComputeBackward(*dbackward, cdata, outdata + i * rblock_stride);
423  }
424  }
427  int box_size() const override{ return rsize; }
429  int complex_size() const override{ return csize; }
431  size_t workspace_size() const override{ return 0; }
433 private:
435  template<typename scalar_type, direction dir>
436  void make_plan(std::unique_ptr<plan_mkl_r2c<scalar_type, dir>> &plan) const{
437  if (!plan) plan = std::unique_ptr<plan_mkl_r2c<scalar_type, dir>>(new plan_mkl_r2c<scalar_type, dir>(size, howmanyffts, stride, rdist, cdist));
438  }
440  int size, howmanyffts, stride, blocks;
441  int rdist, cdist, rblock_stride, cblock_stride, rsize, csize;
442  mutable std::unique_ptr<plan_mkl_r2c<float, direction::forward>> sforward;
443  mutable std::unique_ptr<plan_mkl_r2c<double, direction::forward>> dforward;
444  mutable std::unique_ptr<plan_mkl_r2c<float, direction::backward>> sbackward;
445  mutable std::unique_ptr<plan_mkl_r2c<double, direction::backward>> dbackward;
446 };
454 template<> struct one_dim_backend<backend::mkl>{
459 };
466 template<> struct one_dim_backend<backend::mkl_cos>{
470  using executor_r2c = void;
471 };
478 template<> struct one_dim_backend<backend::mkl_sin>{
482  using executor_r2c = void;
483 };
489 template<> struct default_plan_options<backend::mkl>{
491  static const bool use_reorder = false;
492 };
497 template<> struct default_plan_options<backend::mkl_cos>{
499  static const bool use_reorder = true;
500 };
505 template<> struct default_plan_options<backend::mkl_sin>{
507  static const bool use_reorder = true;
508 };
510 }
512 #endif
514 #endif /* HEFFTE_BACKEND_MKL_H */
Base class for all backend executors.
Definition: heffte_common.h:486
virtual int complex_size() const
Return the size of the complex-box (r2c executors).
Definition: heffte_common.h:519
virtual void backward(float[], float *) const
Backward r2r, single precision.
Definition: heffte_common.h:495
virtual void forward(float[], float *) const
Forward r2r, single precision.
Definition: heffte_common.h:491
Wrapper to mkl API for real-to-complex transform with shortening of the data.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:366
int box_size() const override
Returns the size of the box with real data.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:427
int complex_size() const override
Returns the size of the box with complex coefficients.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:429
void forward(double const indata[], std::complex< double > outdata[], std::complex< double > *) const override
Forward transform, double precision.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:409
void forward(float const indata[], std::complex< float > outdata[], std::complex< float > *) const override
Forward transform, single precision.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:392
size_t workspace_size() const override
Return the size of the needed workspace.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:431
mkl_executor_r2c(void *, box3d< index > const box, int dimension)
Constructor defines the box and the dimension of reduction.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:378
void backward(std::complex< double > indata[], double outdata[], std::complex< double > *) const override
Backward transform, double precision.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:418
void backward(std::complex< float > indata[], float outdata[], std::complex< float > *) const override
Backward transform, single precision.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:401
Wrapper around the MKL API.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:175
virtual void backward(float[], float *) const
Bring forth method that have not been overloaded.
Definition: heffte_common.h:495
void forward(std::complex< double > data[], std::complex< double > *) const override
Forward fft, double-complex case.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:248
void forward(std::complex< float > data[], std::complex< float > *) const override
Forward fft, float-complex case.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:232
size_t workspace_size() const override
Return the size of the needed workspace.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:288
void forward(double const indata[], std::complex< double > outdata[], std::complex< double > *workspace) const override
Converts the deal data to complex and performs double-complex forward transform.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:275
virtual void forward(float[], float *) const
Bring forth method that have not been overloaded.
Definition: heffte_common.h:491
mkl_executor(void *, box3d< index > const box)
Merges three FFTs into one.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:223
int box_size() const override
Returns the size of the box.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:286
void backward(std::complex< double > indata[], double outdata[], std::complex< double > *workspace) const override
Performs backward double-complex transform and truncates the complex part of the result.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:280
mkl_executor(void *, box3d< index > const box, int dir1, int dir2)
Merges two FFTs into one.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:197
mkl_executor(void *, box3d< index > const box, int dimension)
Constructor, specifies the box and dimension.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:185
void backward(std::complex< float > data[], std::complex< float > *) const override
Backward fft, float-complex case.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:240
void backward(std::complex< double > data[], std::complex< double > *) const override
Backward fft, double-complex case.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:256
void forward(float const indata[], std::complex< float > outdata[], std::complex< float > *workspace) const override
Converts the deal data to complex and performs float-complex forward transform.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:265
void backward(std::complex< float > indata[], float outdata[], std::complex< float > *workspace) const override
Performs backward float-complex transform and truncates the complex part of the result.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:270
int fft1d_get_howmany(box3d< index > const box, int const dimension)
Return the number of 1-D ffts contained in the box in the given dimension.
Definition: heffte_geometry.h:159
int fft1d_get_stride(box3d< index > const box, int const dimension)
Return the stride of the 1-D ffts contained in the box in the given dimension.
Definition: heffte_geometry.h:169
@ forward
Forward DFT transform.
void check_error(MKL_LONG status, std::string const &function_name)
Checks the status of a call to the MKL backend.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:69
Namespace containing all HeFFTe methods and classes.
Definition: heffte_backend_cuda.h:38
Defines inverse mapping from the location tag to a default backend tag.
Definition: heffte_common.h:380
Allows to define whether a specific backend interface has been enabled.
Definition: heffte_common.h:201
Type-tag for the Cosine Transform using the MKL FFT backend.
Definition: heffte_common.h:136
Type-tag for the Sine Transform using the MKL FFT backend.
Definition: heffte_common.h:141
Type-tag for the MKL backend.
Definition: heffte_common.h:131
A generic container that describes a 3d box of indexes.
Definition: heffte_geometry.h:67
std::array< index, 3 > const size
The number of indexes in each direction.
Definition: heffte_geometry.h:129
int find_order(int dir) const
Returns the effective order of the direction (dir), 0 -> fast, 1 -> mid, 2 -> slow.
Definition: heffte_geometry.h:121
Defines a set of default plan options for a given backend.
Definition: heffte_common.h:642
Struct to specialize to allow HeFFTe to recognize custom single precision complex types.
Definition: heffte_utils.h:251
Struct to specialize to allow HeFFTe to recognize custom double precision complex types.
Definition: heffte_utils.h:269
void executor_r2c
Defines the real-to-complex executor.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:470
void executor_r2c
Defines the real-to-complex executor.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:482
Indicates the structure that will be used by the fft backend.
Definition: heffte_common.h:546
Unlike the C2C plan R2C is non-symmetric and it requires that the direction is built into the plan.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:315
Identical to the float-complex specialization.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:355
plan_mkl_r2c(int size, int howmanyffts, int stride, int rdist, int cdist)
Constructor taking into account the different sizes for the real and complex parts.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:325
Identical to the float-complex specialization.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:351
Base plan for backend::mkl, works only for float and double complex.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:84
plan_mkl(int size, int howmanyffts, int stride, int dist)
Constructor, takes inputs identical to MKL FFT descriptors.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:93
Destructor, deletes the plan.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:156
plan_mkl(size_t size1, size_t size2, std::array< MKL_LONG, 2 > const &embed, size_t howmanyffts, size_t dist)
Constructor, takes inputs identical to MKL FFT descriptors.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:119
The MKL opaque structure (pointer to struct).
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:160
plan_mkl(int size1, int size2, int size3)
Constructor, takes inputs identical to MKL FFT descriptors.
Definition: heffte_backend_mkl.h:145
Template algorithm for the Sine and Cosine transforms.
Definition: heffte_r2r_executor.h:135