Highly Efficient FFT for Exascale: HeFFTe v2.3
heffte::cuda Namespace Reference

Cuda specific methods. More...


struct  cos_pre_pos_processor
 Implementation of Cosine Transform pre-post processing methods using CUDA. More...
struct  sin_pre_pos_processor
 Implementation of Sine Transform pre-post processing methods using CUDA. More...


void check_error (cudaError_t status, const char *function_name)
 Checks the status of a CUDA command and in case of a failure, converts it to a C++ exception.
void check_error (cufftResult status, const char *function_name)
 Checks the status of a cufft command and in case of a failure, converts it to a C++ exception.
template<typename precision_type , typename index >
void convert (cudaStream_t stream, index num_entries, precision_type const source[], std::complex< precision_type > destination[])
 Convert real numbers to complex when both are located on the GPU device. More...
template<typename precision_type , typename index >
void convert (cudaStream_t stream, index num_entries, std::complex< precision_type > const source[], precision_type destination[])
 Convert complex numbers to real when both are located on the GPU device. More...
template<typename scalar_type , typename index >
void scale_data (cudaStream_t stream, index num_entries, scalar_type *data, double scale_factor)
 Scales real data (double or float) by the scaling factor.
template<typename scalar_type , typename index >
void direct_pack (cudaStream_t stream, index nfast, index nmid, index nslow, index line_stride, index plane_stide, scalar_type const source[], scalar_type destination[])
 Performs a direct-pack operation for data sitting on the GPU device. More...
template<typename scalar_type , typename index >
void direct_unpack (cudaStream_t stream, index nfast, index nmid, index nslow, index line_stride, index plane_stide, scalar_type const source[], scalar_type destination[])
 Performs a direct-unpack operation for data sitting on the GPU device. More...
template<typename scalar_type , typename index >
void transpose_unpack (cudaStream_t stream, index nfast, index nmid, index nslow, index line_stride, index plane_stide, index buff_line_stride, index buff_plane_stride, int map0, int map1, int map2, scalar_type const source[], scalar_type destination[])
 Performs a transpose-unpack operation for data sitting on the GPU device. More...

Detailed Description

Cuda specific methods.