Highly Efficient FFT for Exascale: HeFFTe v2.3
heffte::fft3d< backend_tag, index > Class Template Reference

Defines the plan for a 3-dimensional discrete Fourier transform performed on a MPI distributed data. More...

#include <heffte_fft3d.h>

Public Types

using backend_executor = typename one_dim_backend< backend_tag >::executor
 Alias to the wrapper class for the one dimensional backend library.
template<typename T >
using buffer_container = typename backend::buffer_traits< backend_tag >::template container< T >
 Alias to the container template associated with the backend. More...
template<typename T >
using real_buffer_container = buffer_container< typename define_standard_type< T >::type::value_type >
 Container of real values corresponding to the complex type T.
template<typename T >
using output_buffer_container = buffer_container< typename transform_output< T, backend_tag >::type >
 Container of the output type corresponding to T, see the table of compatible input and output types.
using location_tag = typename backend::buffer_traits< backend_tag >::location
 Type-tag that is either tag::cpu or tag::gpu to indicate the location of the data.
- Public Types inherited from heffte::backend::device_instance< backend::buffer_traits< backend_tag >::location >
using stream_type = void *
 The type for the internal stream, the cpu uses just a void pointer.

Public Member Functions

 fft3d (box3d< index > const inbox, box3d< index > const outbox, MPI_Comm const comm, plan_options const options=default_options< backend_tag >())
 Constructor creating a plan for FFT transform across the given communicator and using the box geometry. More...
 fft3d (typename backend::device_instance< location_tag >::stream_type gpu_stream, box3d< index > const inbox, box3d< index > const outbox, MPI_Comm const comm, plan_options const options=default_options< backend_tag >())
 Identical to the other constructor but accepts a GPU stream or queue. More...
 fft3d (int il0, int il1, int il2, int ih0, int ih1, int ih2, int io0, int io1, int io2, int ol0, int ol1, int ol2, int oh0, int oh1, int oh2, int oo0, int oo1, int oo2, MPI_Comm const comm, bool use_reorder, int algorithm, bool use_pencils)
 Internal use only, used by the Fortran interface.
 fft3d (int il0, int il1, int il2, int ih0, int ih1, int ih2, int io0, int io1, int io2, int ol0, int ol1, int ol2, int oh0, int oh1, int oh2, int oo0, int oo1, int oo2, MPI_Comm const comm)
 Internal use only, used by the Fortran interface.
 fft3d (int il0, int il1, int il2, int ih0, int ih1, int ih2, int ol0, int ol1, int ol2, int oh0, int oh1, int oh2, MPI_Comm const comm)
 Internal use only, used by the Fortran interface.
long long size_inbox () const
 Returns the size of the inbox defined in the constructor.
long long size_outbox () const
 Returns the size of the outbox defined in the constructor.
box3d< index > inbox () const
 Returns the inbox.
box3d< index > outbox () const
 Returns the outbox.
template<typename input_type , typename output_type >
void forward (input_type const input[], output_type output[], scale scaling=scale::none) const
 Performs a forward Fourier transform using two arrays. More...
template<typename input_type , typename output_type >
void forward (input_type const input[], output_type output[], output_type workspace[], scale scaling=scale::none) const
 An overload utilizing a user-allocated workspace buffer. More...
template<typename input_type , typename output_type >
void forward (int const batch_size, input_type const input[], output_type output[], output_type workspace[], scale scaling=scale::none) const
 An overload allowing for a batch of FFTs to be performed in a single command. More...
template<typename input_type , typename output_type >
void forward (int const batch_size, input_type const input[], output_type output[], scale scaling=scale::none) const
 An overload that allocates workspace internally.
template<typename input_type >
output_buffer_container< input_type > forward (buffer_container< input_type > const &input, scale scaling=scale::none)
 Vector variant of forward() using input and output buffer_container classes. More...
template<typename input_type , typename output_type >
void backward (input_type const input[], output_type output[], scale scaling=scale::none) const
 Performs a backward Fourier transform using two arrays. More...
template<typename input_type , typename output_type >
void backward (input_type const input[], output_type output[], input_type workspace[], scale scaling=scale::none) const
 Overload with user-provided workspace buffer, see the corresponding overload of forward().
template<typename input_type , typename output_type >
void backward (int const batch_size, input_type const input[], output_type output[], input_type workspace[], scale scaling=scale::none) const
 Overload for batch transforms, see the corresponding overload of forward().
template<typename input_type , typename output_type >
void backward (int const batch_size, input_type const input[], output_type output[], scale scaling=scale::none) const
 Overload for batch transforms with internally allocated workspace.
template<typename scalar_type >
buffer_container< scalar_type > backward (buffer_container< scalar_type > const &input, scale scaling=scale::none)
 Perform complex-to-complex backward FFT using vector API.
template<typename scalar_type >
real_buffer_container< scalar_type > backward_real (buffer_container< scalar_type > const &input, scale scaling=scale::none)
 Perform complex-to-real backward FFT using vector API (truncates the complex part).
double get_scale_factor (scale scaling) const
 Returns the scale factor for the given scaling.
size_t size_workspace () const
 Returns the workspace size that will be used, size is measured in complex numbers.
size_t size_comm_buffers () const
 Returns the size used by the communication workspace buffers (internal use).
- Public Member Functions inherited from heffte::backend::device_instance< backend::buffer_traits< backend_tag >::location >
 device_instance (void *=nullptr)
 Empty constructor.
virtual ~device_instance ()=default
 Default destructor.
void * stream ()
 Returns the nullptr.
void * stream () const
 Returns the nullptr (const case).
void synchronize_device () const
 Syncs the execution with the queue, no-op in the CPU case.

Detailed Description

template<typename backend_tag, typename index = int>
class heffte::fft3d< backend_tag, index >

Defines the plan for a 3-dimensional discrete Fourier transform performed on a MPI distributed data.

HeFFTe provides the frontend MPI communication algorithms that sync data movement across the MPI ranks, but relies on a backend implementation of FFT algorithms in one dimension. Multiple backends are supported (currently only the fftw3 library), an available backend has to be specified via a template tag. Forward and backward (inverse) transforms can be performed with different precision using the same heffte::fft3d object so long as the input and output use the same distributed geometry.
Boxes and Data Distribution
HeFFTe assumes that the input and output data is organized in three dimensional boxes, each MPI rank containing one input and one output box (currently those should not be empty). Each box is defined by three low and three high indexes, the indexes contained within a box range from the low to the high inclusively, i.e., the box heffte::box3d({0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 2}) contains three indexes (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1) and (0, 0, 2). The following conventions are observed:
  • global indexing starts at 0
  • the boxes do not overlap (input can overlap with output, but the individual in/out boxed do not)
  • input and output boxes may be the same but do not have to overlap
  • no assumption is being made regarding the organization of ranks and boxes

Real and Complex Transforms
HeFFTe supports forward discrete Fourier transforms that take real or complex entries into complex output. The backward (inverse) transform takes complex data entries back to real or complex data. The precision must always match, e.g., float to std::complex<float>, double and std::complex<double>.
Forward transform input Forward transform output Backward transform input Backward transform output
float std::complex<float> std::complex<float> float
double std::complex<double> std::complex<double> double
std::complex<float> std::complex<float> std::complex<float> std::complex<float>
std::complex<double> std::complex<double> std::complex<double> std::complex<double>
Complex Numbers
By default, HeFFTe works with the C++ native std::complex types, those are supported on both the CPU and GPU devices. However, many libraries provide their own complex types definitions and even though those are usually ABI compatible with the C++ standard types, the compiler treats those as distinct entities. Thus, HeFFTe recognizes the types defined by the backend libraries and additional types can be accepted with a specialization of heffte::is_ccomplex and heffte::is_zcomplex.
Backend Type C++ Equivalent
FFTW3 fftwf_complex std::complex<float>
fftw_complex std::complex<double>
MKL float _Complex std::complex<float>
double _Complex std::complex<double>
cuFFT cufftComplex std::complex<float>
cufftDoubleComplex std::complex<double>
Applying a forward and inverse DFT operations will leave the result as the original data multiplied by the total number of entries in the world box. Thus, the forward and backward operations are not truly inversing, unless the correct scaling is applied. By default, HeFFTe does not apply scaling, but the methods accept an optional parameter with three different options, see also heffte::scale.
Forward Inverse
forward(a, b, scaling::none) forward(a, b, scaling::full)
forward(a, b, scaling::symmetric) forward(a, b, scaling::symmetric)
forward(a, b, scaling::full) forward(a, b, scaling::none)
Batch FFTs
If multiple signals with the same distribution across the MPI-ranks need to be transformed, then heFFTe can perform batch operations. Observe the following scenario where we take multiple FFT operations on different signals stored contiguously:
std::vector<std::complex<double>> workspace(fft.size_workspace());
for(int i=0; i<batch_size; i++)
fft.forward(input + i * fft.size_inbox(), output + i * fft.size_outbox(), workspace.data());
This can be done with the following call:
std::vector<std::complex<double>> workspace(batch_size * fft.size_workspace());
fft.forward(batch_size, input, output, workspace.data());
The advantage of the batch operations is that communication buffers can be lumped together which reduces the latency when working with small signals. However, note the increased size of the workspace.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ buffer_container

template<typename backend_tag , typename index = int>
template<typename T >
using heffte::fft3d< backend_tag, index >::buffer_container = typename backend::buffer_traits<backend_tag>::template container<T>

Alias to the container template associated with the backend.

Following C++ RAII style of resource management, HeFFTe uses containers to manage the temporary buffers used during transformation and communication. The CPU backends use std::vector while the GPU backends use heffte::cuda::vector.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ fft3d() [1/2]

template<typename backend_tag , typename index = int>
heffte::fft3d< backend_tag, index >::fft3d ( box3d< index > const  inbox,
box3d< index > const  outbox,
MPI_Comm const  comm,
plan_options const  options = default_options<backend_tag>() 

Constructor creating a plan for FFT transform across the given communicator and using the box geometry.

inboxis the box for the non-transformed data, i.e., the input for the forward() transform and the output of the backward() transform.
outboxis the box for the transformed data, i.e., the output for the forward() transform and the input of the backward() transform.
commis the MPI communicator with all ranks that will participate in the FFT.
optionsis a set of options that define the FFT plan, see heffte::plan_options for details.

◆ fft3d() [2/2]

template<typename backend_tag , typename index = int>
heffte::fft3d< backend_tag, index >::fft3d ( typename backend::device_instance< location_tag >::stream_type  gpu_stream,
box3d< index > const  inbox,
box3d< index > const  outbox,
MPI_Comm const  comm,
plan_options const  options = default_options<backend_tag>() 

Identical to the other constructor but accepts a GPU stream or queue.

gpu_streamis an initialized GPU stream or queue, the actual type depends on the backend as follows:
CPU backend void*, the stream is never referenced
CUDA backend cudaStream_t
ROCm backend hipStream_t
oneAPI backend sycl::queue &

In all cases, heFFTe takes a non-owning reference or alias to the stream; deleting the stream is a responsibility of the user but should not be done before the heFFTe object is destroyed. If no stream is provided, heFFTe will use the default CUDA or HIP stream or a default internal SYCL queue; note in the SYCL case the internal queue will create a new SYCL context which is probably not optimal.

Member Function Documentation

◆ forward() [1/4]

template<typename backend_tag , typename index = int>
template<typename input_type , typename output_type >
void heffte::fft3d< backend_tag, index >::forward ( input_type const  input[],
output_type  output[],
scale  scaling = scale::none 
) const

Performs a forward Fourier transform using two arrays.

Template Parameters
input_typeis a type compatible with the input of a forward FFT.
output_typeis a type compatible with the output of a forward FFT.

The input_type and output_type must be compatible, see the table of compatible types.

inputis an array of size at least size_inbox() holding the input data corresponding to the inbox
outputis an array of size at least size_outbox() and will be overwritten with the result from the transform corresponding to the outbox
scalingdefines the type of scaling to apply (default no-scaling).

Note that in the complex-to-complex case, the two arrays can be the same, in which case the size must be at least std::max(size_inbox(), size_outbox()). Whether the same or different, padded entities of the arrays will not be accessed.

◆ forward() [2/4]

template<typename backend_tag , typename index = int>
template<typename input_type , typename output_type >
void heffte::fft3d< backend_tag, index >::forward ( input_type const  input[],
output_type  output[],
output_type  workspace[],
scale  scaling = scale::none 
) const

An overload utilizing a user-allocated workspace buffer.

HeFFTe requires additional buffers to for various MPI operations, e.g., pack-send-receive-unpack. In the standard overload, the extra memory will be allocated during the call to forward() and released right after. However, allocating and deallocation of large buffers can have a measurable negative effect on performance. Optionally, the use can allocate the workspace buffer externally and pass it into the HeFFTe calls.

The workspace buffer must have size equal to size_workspace() and measured in number of complex scalars, e.g., std::complex<float> or std::complex<double> for single and double precision respectively.

◆ forward() [3/4]

template<typename backend_tag , typename index = int>
template<typename input_type , typename output_type >
void heffte::fft3d< backend_tag, index >::forward ( int const  batch_size,
input_type const  input[],
output_type  output[],
output_type  workspace[],
scale  scaling = scale::none 
) const

An overload allowing for a batch of FFTs to be performed in a single command.

The inputs are the same as the overload that utilizes a workspace with the added batch_size. The size of the workspace must be a batch_size * size_workspace()

◆ forward() [4/4]

template<typename backend_tag , typename index = int>
template<typename input_type >
output_buffer_container<input_type> heffte::fft3d< backend_tag, index >::forward ( buffer_container< input_type > const &  input,
scale  scaling = scale::none 

Vector variant of forward() using input and output buffer_container classes.

Returns either std::vector or heffte::cuda:vector using only the C++ standard types.

Template Parameters
input_typeis a type compatible with the input of a backward FFT, see the table of compatible types.
inputis a std::vector or heffte::cuda::vector with size at least size_inbox() corresponding to the input of forward().
scalingdefines the type of scaling to apply (default no-scaling).
std::vector or heffte::cuda::vector with entries corresponding to the output type and with size equal to size_outbox() corresponding to the output of forward().
std::invalid_argumentis the size of the input is less than size_inbox().

This method allow for a more C++-like calls of the form:

std::vector<double> x = ....;
heffte::fft3d fft(inbox, outbox, comm);
auto y = fft.forward(x); // y will be std::vector<std::complex<double>>
box3d< index > inbox() const
Returns the inbox.
Definition: heffte_fft3d.h:303
box3d< index > outbox() const
Returns the outbox.
Definition: heffte_fft3d.h:305

◆ backward()

template<typename backend_tag , typename index = int>
template<typename input_type , typename output_type >
void heffte::fft3d< backend_tag, index >::backward ( input_type const  input[],
output_type  output[],
scale  scaling = scale::none 
) const

Performs a backward Fourier transform using two arrays.

Template Parameters
input_typeis a type compatible with the input of a backward FFT.
output_typeis a type compatible with the output of a backward FFT.

The input_type and output_type must be compatible, see the table of compatible types.

inputis an array of size at least size_outbox() holding the input data corresponding to the outbox
outputis an array of size at least size_inbox() and will be overwritten with the result from the transform corresponding to the inbox
scalingdefines the type of scaling to apply (default no-scaling)

Note that in the complex-to-complex case, the two arrays can be the same, in which case the size must be at least std::max(size_inbox(), size_outbox()). Whether the same or different, padded entities of the arrays will not be accessed.

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